Calling All Graduates

The Youth Ministry Department would like to invite you and your families to a special Graduates Mass and Brunch on Sunday, June 3 after the 10:00 Mass. We would like to celebrate this milestone in your life with you! All we ask is that you call us with the number of people from your family who will be attending so that we have plenty of food for all of you. Call Rudie 264 -0577 to RSVP. There is no charge, it is our gift to you!


Congratulations to St. Catherine’s Communion Class of 2019!

Isabella Aguirre

Natalia Aguirre

Walter Aguirre

Brandon Alvarez

Paula Araujo

Valeria Araujo

Tristan Arreola Gutierrez

Schanel Bignandi

Kendall Bishop

Tom Butler

Zoe Cardaci

Ava Carter

Azaria Cobb

Juan Diego Cruz

Alexandria Danz

Chelsea Deckard

Brennan DeGeronimo

Sebastian Diaz

Yalexi Figueroa Rey

Raquel Flagler

Riley Fluent

Reagan Kassidy Gibbens

Amelia Harris

Thomas Lampert

Jack McMahon

Zoryana Melendez

Patrick Moody

Sophia Morales

Christopher O’Brien

David O’Brien

Bradley Renelus

Falynn Reyes

Jelianys Rodriguez Torres

Santiago Seibert

Lija Sidrys

Catherine Staten

Daniel Truong

Kennan Williams-Castillo