Music Ministries

St. Catherine’s Parish is blessed to have an active and vibrant music ministry program. We are always looking for more singers, accompanists, and instrumentalists to become active members of our music ministry,

Time commitment:
Commitment includes weekly rehearsals and Saturday/Sunday mass.
Roughly three hours per week – 1.5-hour practice / 1.5 hours mass
You can commit to singing for a liturgical season or for an entire year.

Advent/Christmas – October-January
Lent/Easter – February-May
Summer Months – June-September


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers assist the Priest and Deacon during Mass; administering the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to St. Catherine’s parishioners.  Some ministers may also bring communion to the home-bound and nursing homes.

Training required:  An introductory 4-6 hour training course with a 4-week follow-up with a mentor.  We will have a renewal opportunity every 2 years.

Time commitment:  EMHC’s should be prepared to serve at least one Mass a month and there are additional opportunities in our local nursing homes and hospitals.

Contact the Parish for more information: 904-264-0577


Readers participate in the Liturgy of the Word by proclaiming the Word of God, sharing the commentary regarding the readings, and assisting the celebrant with the Universal Prayer.

Training required:  An introductory 2-4 hour training course with a 4-week follow-up with a mentor.  We will have a renewal opportunity every 2 years.

Time commitment:  Readers should be prepared to serve at least one Mass a month by spending time the week prior to reviewing and practicing the readings.

For more information contact:

Formation & Training: Deacon Larry Hart email him here


A sacristan is a person in charge of preparing all liturgical items the priest will need for Mass.  They ensure all needed items are present and in working order thus helping create a spiritual environment for worship.  These men and women, our ‘silent angels’ also are responsible for cleaning and maintaining plants, candles, altar linens and various items needed for many liturgical celebrations.  Depending on liturgical need, this person may also be needed to open the church, ensure temperature comfort, turn on the sound system, and provide general knowledge of church for those using the facility for the liturgy.

Training required:  Due to the nature of this ministry being an integral part of our liturgical celebration, a commitment to serve when scheduled and training sessions are required.

Time commitment:  When scheduled and for the amount of time required for set up, completion of, and clean up after liturgy.

For more information contact the Parish: 904-264-0577


Individuals serve as Ministers of Hospitality by providing a warm welcome to our community members and visitors as they enter the Church to join with us in worship.  They facilitate of offertory collection and bringing up our gifts to the altar and distribute the bulletin after Mass.

Training required:  Training is done at the Mass with the Head Usher for the Mass.

Time commitment:  Ushers are to arrive at the church 30 minutes prior to Mass to set up needs for the liturgy and be amply prepared to greet the parishioners and guests.

For more information contact the Parish: 904-264-0577


Alter Servers

This ministry opportunity is available to youth in the 3rd grade or older, who have received their First Communion.  They assist the celebrant at the altar during the Mass and other liturgical occasions by lighting the candles, carrying the books and candles and other assistance as need by the presider.  Due to the nature of this ministry being an integral part of our liturgical celebration, a commitment to serve when scheduled and training sessions are required.

Training required:  3–5-hour training session with mandatory participation required; training available twice a year.

Time commitment:  At least 1 Mass per month scheduled to serve, available to serve at any Mass you attend.

For more information contact:

Deacon Bernie Graleski 904-264-0577 or email

The Christmas Giving Tree

Each year we provide over 2000 Christmas presents to those in need.  Each family receives 1-2 Christmas presents as well as a food gift card to provide their family with a Christmas meal.

Time Commitment:  A Giving Tree Angel: approx. 10 hours in late November.  Filling out gift tags, inventorying the gifts received and a group shopping trip for gifts to fulfill gift tags there were not returned.  • A Giving Tree Wrapper: 2-hour commitment.  Usually the first Wednesday in December from Noon – 2 pm.  Help wrap presents that had to be purchased.  • A Giving Tree Provider: 1-hour commitment.  Take a tag from the tree and purchase and wrap a gift for someone in need.  (Please return tag with the purchased gift.)

For more information contact the Parish: 904-264-0577


Filipino American Ministry

Our mission statement: to unite with our Bishop and Pastor to serve, evangelize, and live the catholic faith.  One of our goals is to assist and raise funds to support programs and needs of the parish.

Scheduled Meeting:  Meetings as needed

Time Commitment:  Please watch the bulletin for our upcoming events. Such as the Dinner Dances, lunch to go and more.

For more information contact:

Stella Loy  904-269-5025

The Gift Shop: Religious Articles Shop

Our shop is located in the back of the Church and is open after all weekend Masses.  The shop is operated by volunteers and provides the people of the parish with a convenient place to purchase religious articles.

Scheduled Meeting:  After mass open the gift shop

Time Commitment:  Once a month for approx. 30 mins.

For more information contact:

Judy Bennett  904-264-6402

I.M Sulzbacher Center

Once a month the parishioners of St. Catherine provides a meal to the homeless at the Sulzbacher Center in downtown Jacksonville.  We prepare up to 300 meals every third Wednesday of the month.  We serve a hot meal consisting of an entree, vegetables, bread and dessert.

Scheduled Meeting:  Third Wednesday of each month • Cooks: 2:00- 4:00 • Prep Cooks: 2:00-4:00 • Servers: 4:00 – 5:30

For more information contact:

Kathy O’Brien 904-236-9601

Knights of Columbus Council #7399

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization providing service in five areas: Council (its members), Church, Community, Family, and Youth.  Members exemplify the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.

Orange Park Council 7399 was chartered by the Knights of Columbus in September 1979.

Scheduled Meeting:  The council conducts regular membership business meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.  The meetings take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Knights’ Room, Parish Family Life Center at St. Catherine’s Church.  • Officers and Directors of the council also meet at 6:30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the first meeting of each month.

Time Commitment:  Please watch the bulletin for our upcoming events.

For more information:

Knights of Columbus Ladies

The mission of the Lady Knights is to answer to the needs of our church, our parish, and our community as well as support the Knights of Columbus Council #7399 at St. Catherine’s in their events and endeavors.  We wish to make a positive difference by our actions toward our faith community and each other.  All we do is for the love, honor and glory of God.

Scheduled Meeting:  2nd Thursday of the month

Time Commitment:  Please watch the Knights of Columbus Council #7399 website for our upcoming events.

For more information

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is inspired by Gospel values and is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually; by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founds, Venerable Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. We work with the community through home visits so we are able to be a hand up not a hand out.

Scheduled Meeting:  Weekly or Monthly

Time Commitment:  1-3 hour each week

For more information read below or contact:

St. Vincent de Paul office 904-264-0577 X.304

Who We Are

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international organization of laypersons which allows men and women to join together in offering person-to-person service to the needy. It encompasses every form of aid that alleviates suffering and promotes the dignity and integrity of mankind. It serves everyone regardless of creed, opinion, color, or origin.

Through the generosity of our fellow parishioners, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Catherine’s Church has a 25-year history of service to the residents of Clay County. Our goal at St. Catherine’s is to advance individual dignity by supporting self-determination and independence. The key to our success is our case management process which seeks to determine the underlying causes of individual and family needs.  We provide financial assistance for rent and utilities, food, gas, and medications, as well as referral services to other social service agencies and organizations.

Person to Person Service

The basis of Vincentian service is the making of home visits to those in need of assistance. The home visit is made to respond to a family’s request for aid and to determine the most appropriate way to resolve the family’s problem


Collaboration with Other People of Good Will

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul works closely with other organizations, agencies, and churches in Clay County in attempting to meet the multitude of needs. The Society also accepts referrals from other Clay County agencies. Members of the Society participate actively on the Orange Park Clothes Closet Board, the Mercy Network, and on the Clay County FEMA Board, and participate in the Clay County Senior’s Advocacy Council.

County Agent for Catholic Charities & Administrator of Clay Utility “Lend a Helping Hand” Funds

The St. Vincent de Paul Conference administers Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance programs for the residents of Clay County. The Vincentian volunteers qualify and prepare all paperwork for Clay County residents participating in the grant and aid programs funded through Catholic Charities. The Society also qualifies clients and administers funds collected by the Clay County Utility Authority under the “Lend a Helping Hand” program which assists in maintaining water service to families in crisis.

The Society Embraces All Works of Charity and Justice

  •  Collects and delivers food and clothing to the Clothes Closet.
  • Actively participates in preparing and delivering Thanksgiving & Christmas food baskets.
  • Identifies, and delivers Christmas gifts to families living in the Parish area for assistance in the Parish “Giving Tree” program.
  • Assists with Postal Workers and Boy Scout food collection drives twice a year.
  • Distributes snack products to Baptist Mission, Gleaners, Orange Park Clothes Closet, Community Action, Salvation Army, Quigley House, and St. Vincent de Paul Farm on a continuous basis.
  • Participates in Florida Catholic Conference “Day at the Capital” activities in Tallahassee to address legislative issues affecting the poor and disadvantaged.
  • St. Catherine’s members also personally donate $100.00 per quarter to a “Twin”, the SVDP San Rafael de Piedecuesta Conference in Bucaramanga, Columbia, which uses these funds to provide food, clothing and other necessities to those in need.

For more information, please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Office at Direct Number (904) 639-5839,  (904) 264-0577 ext. 304 or email them here 

Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano

We are the Hispanic presence in the Orange Park catholic community/Somos la presencia de la comunidad Católica hispana en Orange Park”.

We have a Hispanic commission to mirror the parish commission in order to work together as one church./Contamos con una comisión hispana a semejanza de la parroquial para trabajar juntos como una sola iglesia.

Monthly Meeting/Reunión mensual:  Every 2nd Thursday of the month 7 pm -9 pm/Cada 2do jueves del mes de 7 pm-9 pm

Time Commitment/Tiempo:  2 hours monthly/2 horas mensualmente


Martha Velazquez, facilitator/facilitadora 904-272-1908 | email Martha here

Hispanic Commission Members are:

Ana and Roberto Nogueras:  Worship and Spirituality/Culto y Espiritualidad
Delia and Miguel Galeano: Formation/Formación
Albert Figueroa: Youth/Jóvenes
Lynnette Elliot: Stewardship/Mayordomia
Zulma Perez: Social Justice/Justicia Social
Luis Diaz: Secretary/Secretario

Justice and Peace Ministry

Handicrafts & Prayer Shawls

The Handicrafts ministry makes crafts for our Fall Bazaar, knits shawls for the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Christmas stockings for the Sulzbacher Center and as well as projects to benefit the Parish and community. All levels of skill are welcome.

Prayer Shawls are available to anyone who is in need. Each shawl is made with love and prayers for the intended. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the gift of a shawl please contact the Parish office.

Scheduled Meeting:  Wednesday from 9:30 am -12:00 pm

Time Commitment:  3 hours weekly

For more information contact:

Liz Trozsak at 904-269-8769

Parish Fall Bazaar

In the fall of 1970, St. Catherine’s held its first Parish Bazaar. Over the years it has grown to include food booths, crafts, silent auction, “Attic Treasure” rummage sale and so much more. Our Bazaar is staffed by parish volunteers!!!!  It is held a weekend of October.

Time Commitment:  All Parishioners are encouraged to volunteer at least 2 hours during the Bazaar.

Bazaar Committee:  This group is responsible for coordinating and overseeing all aspects of the Annual Parish Bazaar. The Bazaar Committee starts meeting monthly from July until September and volunteers the entire weekend of the Bazaar.


Camino a Jesus (Charismatic Group)

Spirit-filled Hispanic gathering, singing and praising God.  Meets Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Church Conference Room.

For more information, contact:

Mariana Quevado or Laura Morales at (904) 264-0577.

Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry’s mission is to bring Christ’s presence and love to those incarcerated in our local jails and prisons. Programs include KAIROS retreats, Catholic Masses/Prayer services, St. Dismas retreats, and Songs of Praise and Worship by the Fools for Christ song group.

Scheduled Meeting: Weekly or Monthly

Time Commitment: Kairos: 9 weekly meetings preparing for the weekend and 1 weekend per year • Catholic Services: Once weekly
For more information contact:

Earl Porter 904-269-9199

Liturgy & Music

Music Ministries

St. Catherine’s Parish is blessed to have an active and vibrant music ministry program. We are always looking for more singers, accompanists, and instrumentalists to become active members of our music ministry,

Time commitment:
Commitment includes weekly rehearsals and Saturday/Sunday mass.
Roughly three hours per week – 1.5-hour practice / 1.5 hours mass
You can commit to singing for a liturgical season or for an entire year.

Advent/Christmas – October-January
Lent/Easter – February-May
Summer Months – June-September


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers assist the Priest and Deacon during Mass; administering the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to St. Catherine’s parishioners.  Some ministers may also bring communion to the home-bound and nursing homes.

Training required:  An introductory 4-6 hour training course with a 4-week follow-up with a mentor.  We will have a renewal opportunity every 2 years.

Time commitment:  EMHC’s should be prepared to serve at least one Mass a month and there are additional opportunities in our local nursing homes and hospitals.

Contact the Parish for more information: 904-264-0577


Readers participate in the Liturgy of the Word by proclaiming the Word of God, sharing the commentary regarding the readings, and assisting the celebrant with the Universal Prayer.

Training required:  An introductory 2-4 hour training course with a 4-week follow-up with a mentor.  We will have a renewal opportunity every 2 years.

Time commitment:  Readers should be prepared to serve at least one Mass a month by spending time the week prior to reviewing and practicing the readings.

For more information contact:

Formation & Training: Deacon Larry Hart email him here


A sacristan is a person in charge of preparing all liturgical items the priest will need for Mass.  They ensure all needed items are present and in working order thus helping create a spiritual environment for worship.  These men and women, our ‘silent angels’ also are responsible for cleaning and maintaining plants, candles, altar linens and various items needed for many liturgical celebrations.  Depending on liturgical need, this person may also be needed to open the church, ensure temperature comfort, turn on the sound system, and provide general knowledge of church for those using the facility for the liturgy.

Training required:  Due to the nature of this ministry being an integral part of our liturgical celebration, a commitment to serve when scheduled and training sessions are required.

Time commitment:  When scheduled and for the amount of time required for set up, completion of, and clean up after liturgy.

For more information contact the Parish: 904-264-0577


Individuals serve as Ministers of Hospitality by providing a warm welcome to our community members and visitors as they enter the Church to join with us in worship.  They facilitate of offertory collection and bringing up our gifts to the altar and distribute the bulletin after Mass.

Training required:  Training is done at the Mass with the Head Usher for the Mass.

Time commitment:  Ushers are to arrive at the church 30 minutes prior to Mass to set up needs for the liturgy and be amply prepared to greet the parishioners and guests.

For more information contact the Parish: 904-264-0577


Alter Servers

This ministry opportunity is available to youth in the 3rd grade or older, who have received their First Communion.  They assist the celebrant at the altar during the Mass and other liturgical occasions by lighting the candles, carrying the books and candles and other assistance as need by the presider.  Due to the nature of this ministry being an integral part of our liturgical celebration, a commitment to serve when scheduled and training sessions are required.

Training required:  3–5-hour training session with mandatory participation required; training available twice a year.

Time commitment:  At least 1 Mass per month scheduled to serve, available to serve at any Mass you attend.

For more information contact:

Deacon Bernie Graleski 904-264-0577 or email

Service Ministries

The Christmas Giving Tree

Each year we provide over 2000 Christmas presents to those in need.  Each family receives 1-2 Christmas presents as well as a food gift card to provide their family with a Christmas meal.

Time Commitment:  A Giving Tree Angel: approx. 10 hours in late November.  Filling out gift tags, inventorying the gifts received and a group shopping trip for gifts to fulfill gift tags there were not returned.  • A Giving Tree Wrapper: 2-hour commitment.  Usually the first Wednesday in December from Noon – 2 pm.  Help wrap presents that had to be purchased.  • A Giving Tree Provider: 1-hour commitment.  Take a tag from the tree and purchase and wrap a gift for someone in need.  (Please return tag with the purchased gift.)

For more information contact the Parish: 904-264-0577


Filipino American Ministry

Our mission statement: to unite with our Bishop and Pastor to serve, evangelize, and live the catholic faith.  One of our goals is to assist and raise funds to support programs and needs of the parish.

Scheduled Meeting:  Meetings as needed

Time Commitment:  Please watch the bulletin for our upcoming events. Such as the Dinner Dances, lunch to go and more.

For more information contact:

Stella Loy  904-269-5025

The Gift Shop: Religious Articles Shop

Our shop is located in the back of the Church and is open after all weekend Masses.  The shop is operated by volunteers and provides the people of the parish with a convenient place to purchase religious articles.

Scheduled Meeting:  After mass open the gift shop

Time Commitment:  Once a month for approx. 30 mins.

For more information contact:

Judy Bennett  904-264-6402

I.M Sulzbacher Center

Once a month the parishioners of St. Catherine provides a meal to the homeless at the Sulzbacher Center in downtown Jacksonville.  We prepare up to 300 meals every third Wednesday of the month.  We serve a hot meal consisting of an entree, vegetables, bread and dessert.

Scheduled Meeting:  Third Wednesday of each month • Cooks: 2:00- 4:00 • Prep Cooks: 2:00-4:00 • Servers: 4:00 – 5:30

For more information contact:

Kathy O’Brien 904-236-9601

Knights of Columbus Council #7399

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization providing service in five areas: Council (its members), Church, Community, Family, and Youth.  Members exemplify the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.

Orange Park Council 7399 was chartered by the Knights of Columbus in September 1979.

Scheduled Meeting:  The council conducts regular membership business meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.  The meetings take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Knights’ Room, Parish Family Life Center at St. Catherine’s Church.  • Officers and Directors of the council also meet at 6:30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the first meeting of each month.

Time Commitment:  Please watch the bulletin for our upcoming events.

For more information:

Knights of Columbus Ladies

The mission of the Lady Knights is to answer to the needs of our church, our parish, and our community as well as support the Knights of Columbus Council #7399 at St. Catherine’s in their events and endeavors.  We wish to make a positive difference by our actions toward our faith community and each other.  All we do is for the love, honor and glory of God.

Scheduled Meeting:  2nd Thursday of the month

Time Commitment:  Please watch the Knights of Columbus Council #7399 website for our upcoming events.

For more information

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is inspired by Gospel values and is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually; by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founds, Venerable Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. We work with the community through home visits so we are able to be a hand up not a hand out.

Scheduled Meeting:  Weekly or Monthly

Time Commitment:  1-3 hour each week

For more information read below or contact:

St. Vincent de Paul office 904-264-0577 X.304

Who We Are

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international organization of laypersons which allows men and women to join together in offering person-to-person service to the needy. It encompasses every form of aid that alleviates suffering and promotes the dignity and integrity of mankind. It serves everyone regardless of creed, opinion, color, or origin.

Through the generosity of our fellow parishioners, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Catherine’s Church has a 25-year history of service to the residents of Clay County. Our goal at St. Catherine’s is to advance individual dignity by supporting self-determination and independence. The key to our success is our case management process which seeks to determine the underlying causes of individual and family needs.  We provide financial assistance for rent and utilities, food, gas, and medications, as well as referral services to other social service agencies and organizations.

Person to Person Service

The basis of Vincentian service is the making of home visits to those in need of assistance. The home visit is made to respond to a family’s request for aid and to determine the most appropriate way to resolve the family’s problem


Collaboration with Other People of Good Will

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul works closely with other organizations, agencies, and churches in Clay County in attempting to meet the multitude of needs. The Society also accepts referrals from other Clay County agencies. Members of the Society participate actively on the Orange Park Clothes Closet Board, the Mercy Network, and on the Clay County FEMA Board, and participate in the Clay County Senior’s Advocacy Council.

County Agent for Catholic Charities & Administrator of Clay Utility “Lend a Helping Hand” Funds

The St. Vincent de Paul Conference administers Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance programs for the residents of Clay County. The Vincentian volunteers qualify and prepare all paperwork for Clay County residents participating in the grant and aid programs funded through Catholic Charities. The Society also qualifies clients and administers funds collected by the Clay County Utility Authority under the “Lend a Helping Hand” program which assists in maintaining water service to families in crisis.

The Society Embraces All Works of Charity and Justice

  •  Collects and delivers food and clothing to the Clothes Closet.
  • Actively participates in preparing and delivering Thanksgiving & Christmas food baskets.
  • Identifies, and delivers Christmas gifts to families living in the Parish area for assistance in the Parish “Giving Tree” program.
  • Assists with Postal Workers and Boy Scout food collection drives twice a year.
  • Distributes snack products to Baptist Mission, Gleaners, Orange Park Clothes Closet, Community Action, Salvation Army, Quigley House, and St. Vincent de Paul Farm on a continuous basis.
  • Participates in Florida Catholic Conference “Day at the Capital” activities in Tallahassee to address legislative issues affecting the poor and disadvantaged.
  • St. Catherine’s members also personally donate $100.00 per quarter to a “Twin”, the SVDP San Rafael de Piedecuesta Conference in Bucaramanga, Columbia, which uses these funds to provide food, clothing and other necessities to those in need.

For more information, please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Office at Direct Number (904) 639-5839,  (904) 264-0577 ext. 304 or email them here 

Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano

We are the Hispanic presence in the Orange Park catholic community/Somos la presencia de la comunidad Católica hispana en Orange Park”.

We have a Hispanic commission to mirror the parish commission in order to work together as one church./Contamos con una comisión hispana a semejanza de la parroquial para trabajar juntos como una sola iglesia.

Monthly Meeting/Reunión mensual:  Every 2nd Thursday of the month 7 pm -9 pm/Cada 2do jueves del mes de 7 pm-9 pm

Time Commitment/Tiempo:  2 hours monthly/2 horas mensualmente


Martha Velazquez, facilitator/facilitadora 904-272-1908 | email Martha here

Hispanic Commission Members are:

Ana and Roberto Nogueras:  Worship and Spirituality/Culto y Espiritualidad
Delia and Miguel Galeano: Formation/Formación
Albert Figueroa: Youth/Jóvenes
Lynnette Elliot: Stewardship/Mayordomia
Zulma Perez: Social Justice/Justicia Social
Luis Diaz: Secretary/Secretario

Social Ministries

Justice and Peace Ministry

Handicrafts & Prayer Shawls

The Handicrafts ministry makes crafts for our Fall Bazaar, knits shawls for the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Christmas stockings for the Sulzbacher Center and as well as projects to benefit the Parish and community. All levels of skill are welcome.

Prayer Shawls are available to anyone who is in need. Each shawl is made with love and prayers for the intended. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the gift of a shawl please contact the Parish office.

Scheduled Meeting:  Wednesday from 9:30 am -12:00 pm

Time Commitment:  3 hours weekly

For more information contact:

Liz Trozsak at 904-269-8769

Parish Fall Bazaar

In the fall of 1970, St. Catherine’s held its first Parish Bazaar. Over the years it has grown to include food booths, crafts, silent auction, “Attic Treasure” rummage sale and so much more. Our Bazaar is staffed by parish volunteers!!!!  It is held a weekend of October.

Time Commitment:  All Parishioners are encouraged to volunteer at least 2 hours during the Bazaar.

Bazaar Committee:  This group is responsible for coordinating and overseeing all aspects of the Annual Parish Bazaar. The Bazaar Committee starts meeting monthly from July until September and volunteers the entire weekend of the Bazaar.


Spiritual Ministries

Camino a Jesus (Charismatic Group)

Spirit-filled Hispanic gathering, singing and praising God.  Meets Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Church Conference Room.

For more information, contact:

Mariana Quevado or Laura Morales at (904) 264-0577.

Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry’s mission is to bring Christ’s presence and love to those incarcerated in our local jails and prisons. Programs include KAIROS retreats, Catholic Masses/Prayer services, St. Dismas retreats, and Songs of Praise and Worship by the Fools for Christ song group.

Scheduled Meeting: Weekly or Monthly

Time Commitment: Kairos: 9 weekly meetings preparing for the weekend and 1 weekend per year • Catholic Services: Once weekly
For more information contact:

Earl Porter 904-269-9199