The season of Lent calls us to fast, pray, and give alms. One way of doing this as a community is to gather to share a simple meal of soup and bread as a reminder of our common journey through Lent. During the season of Lent, we are called not only individually, but also as a parish community to conversion. Through this Lenten practice, we try to be like Jesus, who fasted, who shared meals with friends and gave alms, and who prayed and taught us how to pray.
The ministries volunteer and provide makes a different recipe every week that is appropriate for the season of Lent, so there is always something new to try. Each week there is a choice of two soups. Please see our bulletin insert here.
We encourage people to donate at the entrance to the Parish Family Life Center whatever amount they normally would spend on a dinner at a restaurant on a Friday night. Because the ministries are donating the soup, all proceeds benefit our parish’s direct outreach to the people of Orange Park and surrounding areas.
Following Soup Supper is Stations of the Cross offered in the Church at 7pm.