Announcements for December 18, 2024
• Please join us on Saturday, August 24th at 10am in the Parish Family Life center for a financial workshop presented by the St. Catherine Finance Council
• Reminder that Announcements for the Bulletin need to be submitted on Wednesday, one and a half weeks before the bulletin date. Please see the bulletin for the email address. Announcements for Mass need to be in by Wednesday of each week and are subject to approval.
• The Sulzbacher Ministry needs large, 101 oz., cans of green beans to feed the homeless every third Wednesday of the month at the Sulzbacher Homeless shelter. Many thanks for your donations.
• Parent Meetings with the Religious Education Coordinator begin on August 25th to September 1st. Please check the schedule in the Bulletin to know which meeting time is for your grade level/sacrament.
• Father Mason has approved an extension to the religious ed registration cutoff date. The new date is August 18th. If a registration is approved after this date, by Father Mason, parents will be responsible for the full price of the child(rens) book(s) plus shipping costs which will increase the overall registration cost. Thank you for your understanding.
• Open House for those who wish to know more about the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is on August 24th in St. Catherine room from 7.00pm to 8.00pm. This is for Adults who wish to know more about becoming Catholic or adults who have only received Baptism and wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church.
• Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is grateful for your donations towards providing food, transportation, utilities and rent for our brothers and sisters in need. They continue to advocate that we hear the cry of the poor in our society and respond.
• The schedule and details for the Fall Bazaar are in the Bulletin. Please take note of the dates and plan how you can support this year’s bazaar.