The Friends of St. Francis meeting for Saturday January 27 has been cancelled.
• Our Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is now underway. You may have already received a packet in the mail from Bishop Pohlmeier, inviting you to join him in support of this year’s Annual Appeal. As we have in past years, we will share his video message at all Masses, so that everyone can hear more about this important effort. This year, the weekend of February 10-11 is Commitment Weekend. We ask that you begin to pray about how you will participate in this year’s Appeal with a gift of any amount.
• Lent is right around the corner. Ash Wednesday is on February 14, which is also Valentine’s Day. Mass sign-ups are in the Narthex.
• Have you been looking for Adult Formation? Do you want to do something for Lent? A Biblical Walk Through the Mass starts February 21st for 6 weeks. Registration and payment deadline is this Thursday, February 1st. See the bulletin for more information and Contact.
• The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Parish Fellowship Breakfast on of Sunday, February 4th after the 8:00 and 10:00 am masses in the Family Life Center. For additional information regarding the menu and pricing, please review the bulletin.
• Come one, come ALL! Join us for a fun Super Bowl Party Feb 11th. starting at 5:00, This is our first fund raiser for the next Incarnating the Kerygma Evangelization Retreat coming up in the Fall. All proceeds will go to offset the costs of the Diocesan Marywood Retreat Center.
• On Friday, February 2nd, the Feast of The Presentation of our Lord, there will be an additional mass at 7pm. Please bring candles, all candles will be blessed at the masses.