• The Knights of Columbus will be collecting non-perishable food items and gift cards for food items through today for the need of our area. Food items can be deposited in the box marked “Food” in the Narthex. Gift cards can be placed in the collection basket during the Offertory. Thank you for your support.
• The Confrandia of Our Lady of Providence will be collecting toys for all ages boys and girls, to give to the children’son the Celebrations of the “Los Tres Reyes Magos” ( three wise men), please deposit the gift on the box located in the Narthex.
• Save the Date for the Youth Department Annual Brunch with Santa on Sunday December 17th after the 10am mass, tickets will be on sale after all masses today! All proceeds go towards the Youth Department’s upcoming trip, Rock the Universe!
• Fr. Andy would like to invite everyone May 8th-18th 2024 on a pilgrimage to Poland in honor of him celebrating his 30th year as a priest. Please see the bulletin or website for more information.
• Save the date for the Parish New Year’s Eve Party, more information can be found in the bulletin and tickets will be sold in the office and after all masses. All proceeds to assist the Parish projects.
• The Parish office will be closed beginning Monday December 25th- Monday January 1st and will re- open Tuesday January 2nd, 2024.
• It has been brought to the attention of staff that many people have received text and phone calls asking for gift cards from Father, this is a SCAM, please contact the office before answering any text, emails or phone calls of this nature.