• If you have not done so already, sign up for your directory photos, photos will be taken Wednesday-Saturday this week. This will be the last session for this edition of the directory. For more information on how to sign up please check the bulletin or see an employee in the narthex to sign up. Thank you.
• All Parishioners 85 years young and their guest are invited to a special mass in their honor on Saturday September 23rd, at 10:30am, please contact the Parish Office to RSVP there will be a luncheon following mass in Lademia Hall.
• We are in need of volunteers at the welcome desk while photos are being taken. Please see an employee in the Narthex to sign up for a couple hours or call the Parish Office before Wednesday to sign up. Thank you!
• All families mark your calendar for the next Family Movie Night on Friday September 29th at 6pm in the Family Life Center. Don’t forget your pajamas, blankets, pillows to view the movie Spirit. There will be a concession stand available to get all your movie snacks as well.
• Please join us in praying a Rosary for peace on Patriots Day, on Monday, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the Marian Garden.
• We would like to have a children’s and youth choir again at St. Catherine’s starting with preparation for the Christmas Season. If your children are interested, please see the Cantor in the choir area to sign up. The first practice will be September 21st at 6pm in the Parish Family Life Center.
• PARENTS! Do you need a night off? St. Catherine’s will be hosting “Parent’s Night Off” every 2nd Friday of the month. There will be food, games and more for your child to enjoy. Pre-registration is required to ensure we have adequate staff. The cost is $20.00 Please grab a flier in the narthex or sign up on our website.