June 8, 2023 2:05 pm

• Join us Sunday June 11th after the Noon mass to say farewell to our beloved music director, Jim Hughes as his last mass with us will be on Sunday June 18th.

• Urban Plunge 1 sendoff mass will be next Sunday June 18th at 10am mass, Plunge Donation ladders are up as well, please see the ladders in the Narthex and thank you for your continuous support.

• The Hispanic Ministry would like to thank all parishioners for supporting their fundraisers. The Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day events raised over $7800. These proceeds will be used to purchase a new floor cleaner for the Family Life Center.

• Attention all ministries, we will be having a Ministry Fair the weekend of June 24th/June 25th, please see the bulletin for more information or call the Parish Office.

• The next Diocesan Marriage Preparation program, Pre Cana in English and Spanish will be on August 12th at Marywood, for more information please call the Parish Office.

• Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Do you want to know more about your Catholic faith? See an employee in the Narthex for a RCIA Registration Form.