• The church will be closed after 9am mass Monday June 5th and Tuesday June 6th for the completion of the roof cleaning.
• Are you looking for a new way to bring people back into church then please consider becoming a core team member for a new ministry called Alpha, for more information about this great program please see the bulletin.
• Please join the Justice and Peace Ministry on Saturday June 10th from 2-3pm in the Chapel to pray for World Peace.
• There will be no 9am mass on Saturday June 10th due to the Eucharistic Congress, we invite everyone to attend the Eucharistic Congress, on June 10th please see bulletin for event schedule.
• All are invited to participate in the Corpus Christi Procession on Saturday June 10th after the 5pm Vigil Mass, refreshments will be served following the procession.
• Join us Sunday June 11th after the Noon mass to say farewell to our beloved music director, Jim Hughes as his last mass with us will be on Sunday June 18th.
• Attention all ministries, we will be having a Ministry Fair the weekend of June 24th/June 25th, please see the bulletin for more information or call the Parish Office.
• The next Diocesan Marriage Preparation program, Pre Cana in English and Spanish will be on August 12th at Marywood, for more information please call the Parish Office.