• The Parish Office will be closed Monday May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
• The Parish Office will be closed after lunch on Wednesday May 31st due to a staff meeting, the office will reopen again Thursday June 1st.
• The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring BINGO this Friday, June 2nd,. Doors open at 6pm and games begin at 7pm, all are welcomed!
• The church will be closed after 9am mass on Monday and Tuesday June 5th and June 6th for the completion of the roof cleaning.
• Join us Sunday June 11th after the Noon mass to say farewell to our beloved music director, Jim Hughes as his last mass with us will be on Sunday June 18th.
• Our next Patriotic Rosary will be in honor of Memorial Day and will be held on Monday May 29th at 6:30 pm in the Marian Garden.
• Attention all ministries, we will be having a Ministry Fair the weekend of June 24th/June 25th, we would love to have all ministries present, please contact the Parish Office to reserve a table for your Ministry.
• The Parish is working on a new Parish Directory, pictures for the directory will be the week of July 26th and then again the week of Sept. 13th please pick up a flyer in the Narthex to set up your appointment for your pictures.
• Urban Plunge 2 still has space available for both teens and adults to attend, Plunge 2 is July 9th-15th, please contact Rudie in the Parish Office for more information on how to sign up.