May 4, 2023 3:57 pm

• Congratulations to all our Confirmation students who will be receiving the sacrament this weekend after Noon mass, all are welcome to celebrate in the Parish Family Life Center after Noon mass.

• In honor our Blessed Mother please join your Parish Community on May 13th after the 5pm Mass for a Rosary Procession that will end in the crowning of our Blessed Mother in the Marian Garden, please wear your countries typical attire we will be having light refreshments following the procession and rosary. All are welcome

• Attention all graduates both high school and college, the Youth Department wants to celebrate YOU! In your honor we will be having our Annual Grad Brunch on Sunday May 28th after the 10 am mass, please contact Rudie in the Parish Office to RSVP, graduates and their families are welcomed!

• Beginning July 1st New Holy Hours for adoration will begin, we are in neeed of two adorers for our new times which will be Mondays 7am-8am and 8am-9am, Tuesdays 7:30am-8am, 8am-9a, and 9am-10am, please contact Mary Hartwell if you can volunteer.

• Now is the time to begin planning to attend the 2023 Florida Eucharistic Congress on June 9 in Gainesville at Queen of Peace and June 10 in Jacksonville at St. Joseph’s. This year’s speakers include Bishop Erik Pohlmeier, Paulist Father Steve Bell, Father Rafael Capó and Bishop Emeritus Felipe Estévez. Mass will be celebrated in both locations followed by a Eucharistic Procession with members of parishes and lay organizations taking to the streets to publicly witness the intimate presence of God in the world and in each other. Check out the schedule and event details, by visiting