• Confessions will be from 3:00PM to 4:30PM in Father Maurice’s absence
• There is an error in the bulletin, there will not be a Vigil Mass on Friday April 28.
• The Parish will close at 12:30 on Wednesday April 26.
• If you would like to join St. Catherine’s parish we welcome you, please fill out a registration form located in the Narthex and give it to an usher.
• You are all invited to Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 14th. Tickets will be sold after masses. Adult tickets are $25 and children 10 and under are $10.
• Please join us on Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the St. Catherine Room, Family Life Center. We will learn about the Catholic Social Teaching theme: Care For God’s Creation. Our guest priest will be Fr. Leonard Chuwa of St. Paul’s Catholic Church Riverside! Coffee and donuts will be provided. Please bring a friend – all are welcome! RSVP online at stcatherineop.com or email lawsikiahodes@att.net
• We are in need of Altar Servers: If you are 10 years or older and have made your First Communion you can be an Altar Server, there is no age limit after that so yes Adults can be Altar Servers. If you are interested please see Deacon Larry or stop at the office for more information.