• Please join us for Souper Suppers at 5:00 pm and the Stations of the Cross starting at 7:00 pm Friday April 1st This week will be hosted by our St. Vincent De Paul Ministry.
• Urban Plunge Sign Ups will be on Friday, April 1st at 6pm in the youth room, please contact Rudie with any questions.
• Our next Bingo will be Saturday April 2nd doors open at 6:00, games start at 7:00.
• The Youth Department will be selling Good Friday Fish Fry tickets after all masses next weekend (April 2nd/3rd) and after all masses April 9th/10th, all proceeds go towards the youth ministry events and trips.
• The Hispanic Community will be hosting several events to help raise money for our annual bazaar. Please see the bulletin and flyers in the Narthex.
• There are still tickets available for the Eucharist dinner on Wednesday April 13 at 6:30 pm. The event is free but there will be a free will offering collected at the door. Proceeds benefit evangelization and our RCIA program. Tickets will be available in the Narthex or in the Parish Office during office hours.