• 2021 Contribution summaries are now available. Please e-mail Roger Davey at stewardship@stcatherineop.com to request your statement.
• The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Valentine’s Day movie night for parents and their children on February 11 at 6:30pm. The dinner and movie will be by donation. We will be showing Disney and Pixar’s Luca.
• On Saturday, February 19 St. Catherine is presenting an End of Life Planning Forum. Join us as we discuss patient rights, palliative care, Hospice, etc. Please see the flyer in the Narthex for more information.
• The Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for their spaghetti dinner on Saturday, February 26 at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. Tickets are available after Mass or in the office during business hours.