• “Seek a relationship when you pray, not answers. You won’t always find answers, but you will always find Jesus.” – Fr. Mike Schmitz
• Please join us next Saturday March 6 in the Family Life Center for BINGO hosted by the Knights of Columbus. Doors open at 6:00, games start at 7:00.
• The Souper Supper in the Family Life Center at 5:00 pm on March 5 will be provided by the St. Vincent De Paul Group they will be serving Clam Chowder and vegetable soup followed by Stations of the Cross in the church starting at 7:00 pm led by the Respect Life Group. Proceeds benefit social outreach ministries.
• Save the date for our Urban Plunge Annual Yard Sale on Saturday March 6th, we will begin taking donations Monday March 1st.
Parish News