August 2, 2020. Eighteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
• “Faith On A Mission” celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the founding of our Diocese, which contains a special section on St. Catherine is available this weekend after all Masses and in the parish office, along with “The Martyrs of Florida” which tells the story of the first Catholics in Florida who gave the ultimate sacrifice to spread the faith. Quantities are limited.
•Today there is a second collection bucket in the Narthex for the Catholic Missions among Black and Native Americans. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you.
•On the weekend of August 8 and 9, a guided tour of the construction site of the Parish Family Life Center will be available after all Masses, including after the Saturday morning Mass. Come and see the progress of the building and a glimpse of what it will be like when completed! You will also have the opportunity to write a message or a verse on the framework to leave for future generations. Donations to help the building campaign will be gratefully accepted at the tour. Thank you!
•The St. Catherine Jubilee committee is hosting a special showing of Mama Mia at the Orange Park Community Theatre. The Show is August 20th with a reception beginning at 7 p.m. and the musical will start at 8 p.m. Cost is $35, proceeds will benefit St. Catherine’s social outreach programs. Seating is limited due to social distancing protocols, masks are required during the show and temperatures will be taken upon entering the theatre. Get your tickets today at the welcome desk!