July 11/12, 2020. Fifteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
• Junior High and Highschool youth are welcomed to attend St. Catherine Youth Tailgate/Parking Lot Meet Up on Wednesday July 15th at 6:00pm-7:30pm, please contact Rudie for more guidelines and rules pertaining to the event! See you all there!
• An important reminder – Confessions are now from 2:30 to 3:30 on Saturdays down in the formation center, please note this is an hour earlier than our previous confession time. Confessions are also available by appointment,
please call the office for assistance.
• Next Saturday July 18th is the 2nd Annual Steak Cookoff! This year due to Covid-19 all steak dinners will be sold “to go.” All the steaks are grilled by the competitors, one of whom is our own Fr. Bob Hoffman. Dinners are $30 apiece and includes baked potato, corn on the cob, roll and dessert. All proceeds will go to furnishing the kitchen in the Family Life Center. Tickets are available after all Masses this weekend and in the parish office.
•The Diocese has released its new book entitled “Faith On A Mission” celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the founding of our Diocese, which contains a special section on each of the parishes including St. Catherine. This richly illustrated book will be available next weekend after all Masses and in the parish office, for only $40. Also available will be “The Martyrs of Florida” which tells the story of the first Catholics in Florida who gave the ultimate sacrifice to spread the faith. The Martyrs of Florida is on sale for $20. Quantities are limited.