June 30, 2019 – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time….
•Our perpetual Adoration chapel is in need of more adorers for some our early morning hours. Particularly Sundays 3am to 4am and 11pm to Midnight; and Thursdays and Fridays from 1 am to 2 am. Please prayerfully consider devoting an hour to the Lord. Men in particular are asked to consider filling these hours. Daytime hours are also available. Sign up forms are in the narthex, or if you would like more information please call Lisa in the
parish office……
•The Knights of Columbus are selling BBQ Pork Dinners this weekend after the 10 and 12 noon Mass. Menu is pulled pork, cole slaw and baked beans for the low low price of $6.00. Have a great meal and help the Knights help others……•The Knights will also be having a Flag Retirement Ceremony in the parking lot after the Noon Mass. All are welcome to bring your worn flag for a respectful retirement……
•Have you moved recently? If so, please contact the office and give them your updated information. Thank you…..
•The parish office will be closed on Thursday July 4 in observance of Independence Day. The office will reopen Friday July 5 at 8:30. The priests and staff of St. Catherine wish you all a blessed and safe holiday.
Parish News