Stewardship is perhaps the most misunderstood term in today’s Catholic Church. To some, it is thought to be a term for fundraising for a special mission or start of a new project. To others, it is Pledge Sunday when homilies center on the themes of time, talent, and treasure, followed by “volunteer sign-ups” not be heard again until the following year.
Here at St. Catherine’s stewardship means much more. It is a lifestyle embraced by our parishioners who live with an “attitude of gratitude”. In short, Stewardship is what we are called to do in response to Jesus’ invitation, “Come, follow me.” It is founded on God’s word, and rooted in the premise that everything we have and everything we are is given to us is a gift by God, who wants us to return a portion of the 3 “T’s” of Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure. We at St. Catherine’s have re-defined these to make it easier to understand, and have adopted this new definition as our theme for the coming year. Our “time” is to be spent in grateful prayer—our conversations with God thanking him for our many blessings. Our “talents” are our gifts and talents that should be put to good use in serving others in a loving manner. And finally, our “treasure” is our financial resources that should be given to our parish and charity generously and joyfully.
Stewardship is a Christian faith journey and begins not with the needs of the parish, no matter how great those needs might be, but rather with the need of each of us to return to God with grateful hearts a proportionate share of the time, talent and treasure he has entrusted and gifted to each of us.
The sharing of our gifts is a responsibility of each of us and directed by God. In the words of St. Peter, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)
Our parish encourages each of us to embrace stewardship as a way of life that acknowledges accountability in the way we lead our lives, reverence, and individual responsibility before God.
Come join us as we travel this faith journey together.
For more information, contact St Catherine Administration Office,
by email here or (904) 264-0577