Third Sunday of Easter

This story is unique to Luke.  There is a two-verse mention of Jesus’ appearance to the two disciples in Mark.  But there is no description of what happened.  Luke provides much more detail with great depth to his story.  Even the mention of the name of one of the disciples – Cleopas.  In this story, God the Son walks simply on the road with two of his creatures.

This story might remind us of the story of Abraham’s three visitors in Genesis 18.  There, Abraham sees three men coming in the heat of the day.  He rushes to show hospitality to them.  There is disagreement over whether these visitors are angels or whether they are a manifestation of the Holy Trinity.  Nonetheless, Abraham’s hospitality is seemingly rewarded.  One of the visitors tells him that his wife would bear a son.

Here, the two disciples invite Jesus to share a table with them.  Their plea resonates even with us today – “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”  Something that many use in the prayer that ends their day.  These disciples are rewarded with the realization that they have had a manifestation of God the Son.

Do we make a similar plea for God to be with us?  Perhaps as part of a prayer that ends our day?  Perhaps at some other time of day.  Do we allow God to walk with us on the journey that is our life in this world?  Can we be aware of the ways in which God is with us in simple ways?

Are we willing to extend hospitality to those in need?  Perhaps even to people with whom we do not know well?  Can we see God in these people?  Whether they be the poorest of the poor in whom Mother Teresa saw Christ?  Or perhaps even in the family member that most tries our patience when we are isolated with them? 

In this difficult time, our prayer life is so important.  It is our plea for God to remain with us that makes us better able to remain with others and to extend care to them.