Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

The Annunciation is the culmination of all human history.  God becomes man.  Jesus becomes incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Mother.  To point to the famous quote from Saint Athanasius, God became human so that we might become divine.  God entered into our world.  The Creator took on the form of one of his creatures … out of love for us.  The Son did not come to condemn us, but to save us.

And Mary said yes.  God did not invade our world.  Through the angel, God asked permission to enter.  He knocked at the door, and Mary opened that door and let him in.  And everything changed.

God knocks at our own doors individually.  He asks for us to let him in.  He does not invade.  He asks permission. 

However, we can allow the noise of this world to drown out the knock at the door.  Our schedules can make it so that we do not have time to answer the door.  Through sin, we might even have chosen to make it so that the knock cannot be heard. 

Will we open that door?  Will we say yes?  

Mary’s yes transformed the world.  Our own yes can transform our own world.

What is our response?