• There will be opportunities this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please check the bulletin for details.
• Join us for our last Souper Suppers at 5:00 pm and the Stations of the Cross starting at 7:00 pm Friday April 8th. This week will be hosted by our Parish neighborhood communities.
• Make the most out of Holy Week, see the bulletin for a list of events.
• The Youth Department will be selling Good Friday Fish Fry tickets after all masses this weekend and after all masses next weekend (April 9th/10th), all proceeds go towards the youth ministry events and trips.
• Magnificat subscriptions are now available. Order by May 31st to receive a discount. Forms are available in the Narthex or the Parish Office.
• Free ESL classes will begin on Wednesday April 20th in the Siena Room of the Formation Center from 9:30-12:00.